Sunday, April 20, 2008

FHE at our house

don't worry his goose egg has gone down a lot:D
Yesterday we had a big fhe at our house at 1:00. And all my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and couzins came over. First we were cooking hamburgers and me and my couzins and brother were watching "When a stranger calls." I hav 2 admit it wuz pretty scary!!!Then we cam up and ate hamburgers and drank soda. after that we were playing out side 4 a little while. Then we came back inside and finished the movie. After that we played outside more and climbed over the fence and everything!!! But then in a little while everybody had 2 go and my couzin Summer said she would be on MSN but she wuzn't!!!:( Then at 6:00 we had a big dinner at our church and they auctioned stuff off and they got from all of that $$money$$ $2,300 omg then i told
tanner my bro that they should auction off the box of money:D my little bro Logan and all his friends were running around and logan tripped and hit his face on the brick wall!!!! :'( so he got a big goose egg on his forehead, his nose wuz bleeding and he cut his lip!!!! so after that when we got home we watched Shrek the 1st 1. and we had 2 wake up Logan once in a while 2 check on him and 1 time when we woke him up we stood him up and just flopped back down like a noodle it wuz so funny LOL!!! EVERYBODY LAUGHED!!!! except 4 Logan he wuz 2 tired. and this morning he didn't even remember that he still has a goose egg and a little scratch on his nose and lip but other then that he is ok!!! oh and be4 we left tanner twisted his foot
so i wuz the only 1 who wuz not hurt!!!!!!!!!!!:D


Tiffany said...

It was a fun day, except for Logan's goose egg.

$inger!!! said...

ya and a busy day:D