Monday, April 14, 2008

LA CHON PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is a pic of a puppy la chon there wuz an adult 1 2 but it had a copyright thing on it so we couldn't put it on but they r just as CUTE when they r adults!!!!!!!!!!!
guess what???? i am saving up 4 a really CUTE puppy and they r called la chons u hav 2 c them they stay CUTE their whole life!!!!! OMG if u want u can give me some ideas 4 names of my dog when i get it u can go 2 and take a test 2 c what kind of dog is right 4 u so i took the test and it gives u a whole list of dog that r good 4 u and u can go through them and find which 1 u like best!!
and i liked the la chons the best!!!!!!

1 comment:

$inger!!! said...

no one has said anything about my CUTE la chon puppies!!!!!!!!!:(